Amazon FBA Calculator
Calculate and optimize Amazon FBA costs
We show you how Amazon FBA fees can be massively reduced with the use of warehouses within the EU.
99% accurate calculation based on your current data
Overview of paid logistics fees for each individual product
Just sit back. Our system does the calculation for you
What you get
Accurate calculation
Find out what Amazon charges you for shipping and storage. The calculation is based on the Amazon transaction report.
Margin per product
Find out how the margin of individual products can increase taking into account the Amazon FBA logistics fees and which products have the greatest potential.
Based on your data and product sales, precise statements about savings as well as forecasts for possible sales increases can be given.
Managing Director countXHow it works
Create an account
First create an account to get access to your calculation afterwards
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Connect Amazon
With a few clicks and in a maximum of 2 minutes you can connect your Amazon Seller Central
Our system calculates the fees and possible savings based on your data
You have direct access to your results and can make decisions based on your data
100% protected data
All data is evaluated anonymously
Only relevant data is processed
No access to your Seller account
Clients say
4.7Calculate and optimize Amazon fees right now